Saturday, September 15, 2007

Holy Crap!!!

I had my first visitor!!They stumbled onto my blog through a google search looking for "Booster Gold" 5am.Why is someone looking for Booster Gold at 5am?It's enough to make me think comic fans are....I dunno...weird.(Shocking reveal...I know.)I guess I've looked for odder things at 5am.Who am I to judge?

Also,I've de-lurked a few times(twice!)to leave comments on other people's blogs.And my world did not collapse around me.It's just so hard to find other people who aren't either raving lunatics or seem friendly.The last one was because a blogger named Ami Angelwings posted an AWESOME video of Japanese people doing stupid shit on a game show.Although I am hesitant to link people because I don't want the attention,this is too great to resist,so here it is .She seems like a cool,friendly person,so I hope she doesn't mind a total stranger linking her on a blog no one reads.(Well,one person did,even if by accident.)The other videos that you can watch after the main one plays are fun too.

She asks a question in her comments about why American reality shows aren't that much fun,but rather are mean-spirited.I think I've spent enough time,between my former cable guy job and my pro wrestling thing, working with the genral public to say that most people are total blank slates.We don't naturally seek out anything different,just safe,cookie-cutter bland entertainment.That's why every show on TV now that isn't a sitcom or Law & Order is a rip-off of American Idol or Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?.They shamelessly rip off the formats,which themselves are take-offs of foreign shows,and we just eat them up.But the fun,goofy Japanese shit like MXC(Takeshi's Castle),Bonzai,and even Ninja Warrior is buried at midnight on cable channels that no one watches.If our game shows were like those, I would SOOO be trying to get on every single one.Answering trivia questions can be fun, but swinging from a vine into a floating rubber barrel while wearing a dragonfly costume is awesome(I need a thesaurus.) beyond recognition.

C'mon American TV execs...We obviously like to watch each other get humiliated.Why can't we watch people get humiliated by a guy in a kimono and a Godzilla mask?


Anonymous said...

Its called Time Zones.

Ami Angelwings said...

*lurk lurk lurk* :D

Hi! XD

Thx for linking me! :D I dun mind at all :3

And you needn't be scared of me at least XD I'm nice :3

GeneralBobby said...

Everybody on the internet scares me.I get a lump in my throat every time I post something.As long as I can keep my corner of the internet here as a little island of sanity,I'll be cool.I'll be lurking over at your place later when I get to work.Uh..I mean after work.

I assume the time zone thing refers to my talking about the time all of the Japanese shows are being aired.They're not played live or simulcasted from Japan.I just think it's a shame that some of the more genuinely fun shows are the hardest to find.

GeneralBobby said...

I could be wrong about what you meant.Your comment is pretty vague.