Friday, September 14, 2007

The DC Experiment II(Part Two!)

OK.So,today I decided to grab a few DC along with my regular stack of Marvel as part of my attempt to see exactly how impenetrable DC's continuity is to someone who knows next to nothing about it.A few weeks ago,I bought my first batch and enjoyed most of what I got,but did feel a little lost(as I expected I might.)I come into this with an open mind,not seeking to find crap,but rather to find some fun new stuff to comes the list.

1)Sinestro Corps Special #1:I remember Sinestro as "the guy who used yellow" in Superfriends and I know who Green Lantern is,so I had that much going for me coming into this book.About the beginning,it still feels weird for me to see Batman,Superman, and Wonder Woman in a comic.I think maybe it's because I have seen them in every medium significantly more than I've been exposed to them in comics.For just a fraction of a second each time I see them,its like seeing a celebrity at the supermarket.It's like"Hey!Look who it is!"That amuses me.Anyway...This was a cool story.Johns did a good job of getting across the different Lanterns' personalities.I really enjoyed Sinestro as a villain.He seemed very over-the-top,which is a good trait to have in a villain.I like that there's a lot of Green Lanterns all at once.I didn't know that about the character.The art was fantastic too.This hooked me enough to get Green Lantern #21 next week.

2)Suicide Squad #1:This is one of the books that I wish I had more background on the characters.Even though it was a #1 it felt like I walked into the middle of something.I'm not saying it sucked.There were some fun moments(The miniature bomb in Puma's neck.)and the story itself was pretty good.I just wasn't feeling it.That Boomerang character's outfit is awful.I think it's the blue paper fast food chef hat.Or maybe it's the matching outfit with the,you guessed it,boomerang print.He redeemed himself by severing Bolshoi's fingers,which made me smile.Still,I don't think I'll get #2.For this book,not knowing the characters hurt my overall experience.Maybe if I read some older stuff with the Suicide Squad,I'll come back to this book when it's in TPB.

3)Booster Gold #2:Last time,I got Booster Gold#1.While I didn't know who everyone was or why they were important,I liked the premise enough to give issue #2 a try.The first few pages were a little continuity dependent and I started to think that I was going to get lost.Once Booster's mission was announced though,the story got a lot more welcoming to someone who hadn't even heard of Booster Gold 6 months ago.Strangely enough,Sinestro was in this issue as well.The fight between Booster and Sinestro was cool enough,and I liked the resolution as well.I have to say,when Sinestro twisted his moustache at the end,I totally geeked out.There's not nearly enough moustache-twisting in comics.Only evil people do that!I gotta say I really enjoyed this issue.Okay,I'll get #3.

Overall,This was a pretty good experience.As the(crappy) Meatloaf song goes"Two out of three ain't bad."I really enjoyed Sinestro in the two books.I'm wondering if he was always written basically like this,or if this is a reimaging.I can also see the appeal of Green Lantern.I might have to pick up a trade and learn a little more.Funny enough,whenever I read someone blogging about Green Lantern I just kinda tune out.Once I learn more about the character I'll read those blogs again and maybe appreciate them a bit more.I'll stay away from Suicide Squad though,at least until I can get more info on the characters.

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