Thursday, September 13, 2007

The DC Experiment,Part II

A few weeks ago,I picked up some DC comics just to see if there would be anything I liked or even just anything I could even follow with no knowledge of their continuity.(My DC knowledge starts and stops with Superfriends and some of the movies/other cartoons from over the years.)This week I plan on picking up a few more DC books.I liked the premise of Booster Gold,even I didn't understand some of the references.So I will be getting #2 today.If I like that issue,I'll get #3.If I still like it and feel I can follow it without buying 7 other books,I'll add it to my pull list.What with Irredeemable Ant-Man being cancelled and Cable & Deadpool on the way out,I'll have some room.I will probably pick up 2 or 3 others,depending on my whole vibe when I get there and if there's even 2 or 3 others that interest me.

For me,it's all about finding some new things to read.I could go to the indies too,and I do dip my hand in their bag from time to time,but I prefer superheroes.It's kinda funny.I got back into comics just wanting a few stand-alone stories to read.Now I'm grabbing 10-12 titles a week,with a tpb or graphic novel thrown in every so often.I guess as long as I feel that my money is being well spent I don't mind.I haven't gotten sick of them yet,so I doubt this is a fad.Even if I get sick of superheroes down the line,there's still a shitload of stuff to read.Hell,I could even move to Manga.The Manga sections in the bookstores here are huge.Oh yeah,that reminds me.At the Borders in Rockaway Mall,for anyone living in New Jersey,Not only is the graphic novel section as big as the Manga section(It has actually gotten bigger over the past few months.It's now a full aisle with four bookshelves full of them,with quite a few complete sets.),but they have a well-stocked spinner rack of comics in the magazine section.I may get a discount,by association,at Barnes & Noble,but Borders kicks ass with it's selection.

That's it.It's off to the store I go!

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