Monday, April 28, 2008

So...Working Out

Since I decided about a month ago that I was going to dedicate myself to getting in better shape to wrestle, I've been trying to decide what the best way to go about that is.Last week was my chance to get started.If you've never exercised a day in your life, getting motivated to begin is a motherfucker.

My first thought was to go running a few days a week.There are some reasonably private and flat trails a mile or so from my apartment, so last week I decided to run them.I was somewhat dismayed to learn that I can't run too far without running out of breath.According to my pedometer, which at $4.99 probably isn't the most accurate one I can own, my best distance without stopping was .44 miles.On average though, I can go about 1/4 mile before stopping.

My second goal was to join a gym so I can really work out.A friend at work told me about the local YMCA and it sounded good.This past Thursday I went and signed up for 6 months.I really can't afford it, but I knew if I didn't sign up right then and there that I would never go back and would probably not start working out.That would make half of the reason I am taking six months off to train totally pointless.

I went for the first time Sunday and was a bit intimidated.I've never worked out before and I really don't know what to do.It's not in my peronality to ask a stranger there either.I decided to play it safe and go to the cardio room to ride an exercycle.What else I found in there was as if it was meant to be.In the back of the cardio room were 12 "lifestation" workout stations, each one with very specific instructions on how to use it and also with each one woking a different muscle group. I have to admit, I enjoyed myself more than I thought I would.

So between yesterday and this morning, which was my second visit, I came up with a plan.First, I will warm up with 15 minutes on one of the cross-country skiing machines.(At least that's what I think it is.After that I will do the whole 12 station circuit, doing 2 sets at each station and going back and doing a third on some if the machine I want is being used.Finally, I will cool down by riding one mile on a cycle.This way, I get some cardio in and I am working out my whole body.

My goal is to go 4 days a week(early morning, before work) and maybe on Sunday if I don't go hiking.I can definetely feel it in my shoulders and chest.I'm trying to make this part of my routine.I know if I stop for any long amount of time or start making excuses to not go, then I will be wasting my money and time.I have a tendency to lose interest in things over time and flake off, as the increasing amount of time between posts on this blog proves.Once more, let's hope this isn't one of those times as this is something that is actually GOOD for me and not just a way to kill time.