Friday, September 14, 2007

So Many Debates/3 Things

As I spend my time looking through the comics (I'm going to say it)blogosphere,I see a lot of people sniping each other from their blogs.I'm not going to link anyone as I've learned my lesson about linking and attracting attention.(Linking myself is OK.)Damn,I don't want to be part of that.I promise not to sneak around and ambush people on their blogs unless I have a positive contribution.I'm not looking to be a troll or stir the shit around.

I need a topic to write about.In Ragnell's video blog(not linking it.Don't want the attention.)she talks about a "meme".I'm not sure what a "meme" is,but apparently it involves everyone doing the same kind of post with some sort of theme(Once more,I could be wrong.I could look it up,but what fun is that?).I wasn't exactly invited to participate,but it gives me a chance to write something and no one reads this anyhow,so here are 3 things that make me happy:

1)I still have my hair.All of the men on my father's side were bald or balding by age 30.My mother's side...not so much.And it's not receding hairline-style bald.It's the skull cap-style.It's a big deal to me to still have a full head of hair.A lot of my friends are either balding or obviously thinning.If I do go bald eventually,I hope I deal with it well and don't start wearing wigs or shaving my head to camoflauge the bald spot.(I know what you're doing, all of you bald white guys.You're fooling no one.We can see your bald spot through the peach fuzz.)

2)Writing this blog is actually making me happy(Even I'm shocked at this.).I used to love to write in college.My favorite classes were my creative writing classes.And,not to toot my own horn too much, I was actually kinda sorta almost good.I stopped writing after I graduated because I didn't see the need if no one would read it.Writing this has brought the joy of writing back to me and I'm even finding my voice again.I'm still going after almost three weeks,which is two weeks and 6 days longer than I thought this would last.

3)Good heavy metal albums make me happy.Some CDs I can just listen to over and over and over again.As examples of some albums that make me happy I now present a list within a list:
a)Akercocke-Words That Go Unpsoken,Deeds That Go Undone
b)Vintersorg-Solens Rotter
c)Opeth-This is a pick 'em.They're all great.Two best are Blackwater Park and Ghost Reveries.
e)Mr. Bungle-California(Not really metal,but still infinitely replayable.)
Good tunes make a long car trip or sitting in traffic a breeze.When I have a large block of free time at home,whatever I decide to do gets a soundtrack of my choosing.I'd sell all of my comics and video games before I'd sell my CDs.And yes,I like owning the CD.Downloading a song just isn't the same.It's convenient,but soulless.

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