Saturday, October 13, 2007

Stupid Things I Did During College

Many people go to college.Some people use it to educate and train themselves to get better jobs.For some people it was nothing but a party.I'm one of the latter.I went to college on a full academic scholarship because of my excellent high school GPA and my SAT scores.

I entered in William Paterson College in September of 1991(seems so long ago) and proceeded to enter into one of the silliest phases of my life.My memory of that time is mostly hazy.I was always told that lots of alcohol and "perfectly legal" cigarettes can affect your memory.Damn if they weren't right.Anyhow,some of the things I DO remember involve crazy and/or stupid activities that only the young can get away with doing.(not that I'm old now)I'm going to share some of these with you and maybe some of you can de-lurk long enough to give out some of yours.

1)When I turned 18 I decided that I wanted to pierce my nose.I already had 7 earrings so it didn't seem like a big deal.I decided to do it myself.I had my roommate get a bag of ice from the cafeteria so I could numb my nose.Then I got a training stud,normally for use in your ear, and started corkscrewing it into my nose.Yes,it hurt.A lot.I got halfway through when I started to get faint.My roommate forced it the rest of the way through.I never had a proper piece of nose jewelry, so I just used an extra earring.I kept it in for about 2 months before I got sick of it because it kept falling out of my nose when I was sleeping.I still have a hole in my nose where it used to be.

2)One night at Penn State University some friends and I were party-hopping.We happened across one place that had a giant goldfish tank on the floor.People were reaching in,scooping out goldfish, and eating them.I don't mean goldfish like in goldfish crackers.I mean goldfish like you buy in a pet store.I ended up eating 12.The next morning I "set them free" at a rest area somewhere along Route 80.

3)One night,some friends of mine decided that they were going to have a small dorm party.I got one 375ml bottle of rum and one 375ml bottle of gin.I drank them both,by myself, straight from the bottle with no chasers.The next thing I remember was waking up in my bed the next afternoon dressed only in my underwear and a t-shirt.Only the T-shirt was pulled down with my waist through the T-shirt's NECK HOLE.I don't even want to know how that happened.

4)This isn't stupid,but just kinda odd.I was in a fraternity in college.(It was fun.I issue forth an emphatic fuck you to the naysayers.)We used to go camping twice a year.One of those times would be in the many woods that surrounded the campus.On one trek through the woods we found an abandoned car,up off the ground and supported by the trees' branches.we spent a lot of time in those woods.There was a cliff and a pretty large waterfall buried in there.Good places to party,even if you did have to stumble through the pitch black woods at 2AM with a dozen beers and 3 or 4 "perfectly legal" cigarettes in your system.

5)I participated regularly in campus talent shows and lipsync competitions.At my first,which I was a part of with my frat pledge class,I dressed up as a very convincing girl to play Veruca Salt as we sang the "Oompa Loompa Song" from the original Willy Wonka movie.During one talent show I played my bass guitar and read haiku poetry about beer farts.During another I stuffed a sock down the front of my pants and lipsnyced to the Mojo Nixon song "She's Vibrator Dependent."I was a little buzzed and all alone on stage.After doing something like that,I really couldn't claim to have stagefright anymore.

That's all for now.Honestly,I'm lucky to remember that much.So,what are all of yours?


Wendy Withers said...

I don't have any crazy things I've done before or during college from alcohol, drugs, or smoking, because I'm pretty boring. (I'm graduating in May.)

I do have some great memories, though. I was in a zombie fashion show 2 years ago. (Pictures are up on, along with my other modeling stuff.) I work Howl O Scream every year at Busch Gardens, where I get paid to scare people. Once, me and my best friends and an ex held a fishie funeral for a Betta fish at a beach in Florida where fire jugglers come out on the weekends, so after the fish got dumped into the ocean, we played on a playground and watched people swirl fire around them. There have also been many hippie vegan potlucks and tea parties mixed in there. And, me and my friend Moira got to see the Seahorse Orchestra before our friend quit the band. It's a psychedelic rock band that uses a transistor radio to make spooky noises.

GeneralBobby said...

You're still doing some cool stuff.I know I'd like to scare people at amusement parks and get paid for it.And I was stone cold sober when I pierced my nose.I find very few people are completely boring.Some are blank slates in need of direction and others may just be inhibited.

Wendy Withers said...

I find I'm very inhibited in my classes, where many of the young men and women want to be famous broadcasters as soon as they graduate. The girls wear uncomfortable heels when on assignments for their classes and the men are all dressed in dress shirts and slacks. Everything in my body does a mass evacuation to my throat when I have to talk to them, because they're like a race of aliens who hail from MTV if they're girls or nightly news desks if they're guys. Not the cool MTV, either. The new, dumbed down, clonish MTV.

When I'm with my friends, I pretty much go crazy out there. So, people I work with or school with think I'm reserved and my friends think I'm insane, just like them.

GeneralBobby said...

I don't watch MTV anymore.I've moved past it.I never liked it much when I was younger either, except for Headbanger's Ball and some of the animation shows that they used to have.And I know it's easier said then done,but you shouldn't compare yourself to your classmates.They're talking heads in training and totally interchangeable.Think about it.If the on-site reporter or anchorperson for your local news were replaced tommorrow,would you really care?

Wendy Withers said...

It depends on who it was. One of the weathermen wears really neato suspenders. They are hypnotic during hurricane coverage, which can go on 24 hours a day for days here in FL. The people I care about are newspaper writers, and since I decided to become a reporter, all of my local journalist icons all either been moved to a different bureau where they don't write as much or laid off. Yay job security. That's why I decided to focus more on blogs.