Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh Boy

On my last post, I talked a little bit about some of the more unusual keyword searches people used to find this blog.A She-Hulk fan site linked that because I mentioned that someone searched for me using the phrase "Jennifer Walters Boob Grow".He did it as a goof just to push me further up the search engine list for anyone typing in that phrase. I think it's pretty funny.

The funnier thing is that since linking me 3 days ago,248 people(as of now) have clicked on that post.The number of times people have come here from google searches looking for that exact phrase went from the initial one, to five now.

So, for anyone coming here looking for pictures of She-Hulk, don't say I never gave you anything:
This is my favorite She-Hulk picture, that I've seen so far.She looks pretty badass. There are no growing boobs, but if your taste in porn is that specific I'm sure there's an internet site somewhere out there that is perfect for you.

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