Monday, December 17, 2007


It took me 40 minutes to get out of my parking space this morning.I needed to use a shovel, a hammer, 1/2 a bag of rock salt, about 5 pounds of kitty litter,a cardboard box, and a whole lot of rocking back and forth to escape.Fucking ice.Fucking winter.Fucking New Jersey.AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!

And it's not even Xmas yet.I can't imagine living any further north.I turn on the Weather Channel and see these places where it starts snowing in early September or something and they're always getting like 2 or 3 feet of snow per storm and I know that if I lived there I'd have gone crazy years ago.

On the plus side, my tires aren't completely bald after spinning them all morning and the ice only broke one of my windshield wipers.(on the driver's side!Of course...)I'm sure tommorrow will be just as much fun.


Anonymous said...

I feel you. :( I actually had to put my mini space heater on low tonight. :(

Or, maybe I'm just taunting you.

GeneralBobby said...

Go ahead, have your fun.Brat.


Anonymous said...

I dedicated a post to it.

Now, I'm off to drink tea and process hundreds of book orders for eight hours.