Friday, December 14, 2007

A Blog First

If you look at the right side of my blog, under where the archives are, you will see my visitor counter.I use Statcounter to count the people coming here.One of the nice things about the service is that you get access to free statistics about your visitors.I like to look up the keyword searches to see how people arrived here.Some keywords I understand(such as he ones pertaining to the Delaware Water Gap).Some leave me puzzled(Used College Stud Underwear?That was searched TWICE, by the way.Jennifer Walters Boobs Grow?I know I've mentioned She-Hulk a couple of times, but I'm pretty sure I didn't talk about any mammarian size increases.)

When looking through the keywords last week, I noticed that one was the url for this blog.That means someone actually searched for me intentionally!They never came back though.Too bad.I do have one regular reader(Thanks Wendy!), who actually even put me on her blogroll.If you see a post with comments, chances are almost certain they are between her and I.It's cool.I appreciate the conversation.I do wish more people would comment though, even to tell me that this blog sucks.1600 visitors and they're all lurkers.Perhaps I need more interesting content, or meatier content.I kinda like doing what I want though.Maybe I'll try some new things once I figure out what they are.


Anonymous said...

I know I haven't clicked on your blog 1600 times. I'm lazy, so I usually just read you on my RSS feed.

GeneralBobby said...

Other than that one mystery person that one time, I think you are the only one who intentionally reads this.I should just ask what you specifically want to read.
