Monday, October 1, 2007

The DC Experiment, Part III

I am a regular reader of Marvel comics,but my appetite for comics has had me picking up some DC comics to see if I can get into them.I have come into this with the best of intentions.I do not share any of the prejudices and problems of jaded, long-time readers.I am just looking to find some good new books that I can pick up.Here's my impression so far:

1)I hate to start on a bad note, but I still do not like all of the multiple variants of the main characters in the same books.It just seems lazy to me.The only character whose many incarnations I understand is Green Lantern.Everyone else though...not so much.Isn't one Superman enough?When Kingdom Come Superman arrives do people say "Hey look!It's Kingdom Come Superman!"Even in the upcoming Countdown:Arena book, there are 3 Supermans and 3 Batmans?Why not one of each and four other characters getting a chance?I've said it before,it's almost as if DC has no faith in its staff to create any new original characters and would rather just put their flagship characters in slightly different outfits and call them someone new.

2)Also,some of the other character design seems a little weak.There seem to be a lot more characters whose only ability is being a really good fighter.Put a mask or garish costume on them and...voila!!Instant superhero!He might be the coolest character in the DC universe, but I can't get behind a guy who looks like a fry chef covered in boomerangs.I'd bet you could dress a guy in a chef's outfit,strap a pie plate to his head and call him The Pieman.He could throw cream pies at people gimmicked up with explosives,corrosive acid,broken glass,fire ants, etc.I'll bet he could find his way into Batman's rogues gallery.He might even get to go against Flash or even Superman.

3)Enough negativity for now.One thing I've liked is that having some characters with so much mainstream media exposure.They come with built-in familiarity,at least on the most basic level.I think newborn babies come out of the womb knowing Superman's origin and abilities.Learning the continuity is a small step to take when you don't have to figure out who the character is and what they can do.For me, something like having seen many episodes of Batman:The Animated Series has made getting into Batman books a snap.I think a new reader getting into Marvel could get the same benefit reading Spider-Man or Hulk comics.

4)I really like Birds Of Prey.I picked up the Perfect Pitch TPB and sunk right into it like I was reading it all my life.This was a fun,action-filled, high kicking blast.I know I said before that having so many martial artists was a problem,but that doesn't mean I don't have any appreciation for those kinds of characters.Even though it seemed to begin right in the middle of some situation I had no trouble getting a feel for the characters right away and figuring out exactly what was going on.That can easily be chalked up to the skill of the writer,Gail Simone.The whole reason I tried this book to begin with was to read something else that she wrote.She even took one of those self-perceived"weak" DC character designs, the Crime Doctor, and made him interesting to me.The fight scenes were very well drawn and put me right in the middle of the action.Even if this whole DC thing ultimately falls flat with me,I'll still pick up other trades for this series.

5)On the Monthly side, I have been enjoying Booster Gold and the whole Sinestro Wars saga.I'm looking forward to seeing the next part of the Bizarro arc in Action Comics and All-Star Batman And Robin has been pure fun, in spite of the whole "Goddamn Batman" thing being overused.I'll try Gail Simone's Wonder Woman.I'm still not sure if I like anything enough to add to my pull list, but picking up a few issues here and there seems to be working out nicely.

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