Friday, September 28, 2007

More Random Thoughts

Wow.This was a pretty hectic week for a vacation week.Here's some random stuff of no particular importance.

1)Since I got some money for my birthday, I was finally able to buy Guitar Hero(I & II).I never got it because with a choice of getting either comics or video games, comics win every time.Damn that's a fun game.I've been playing it constantly.I'm probably going to play when I'm done with this.I should not have gotten this.The last thing I need is MORE distractions in my life.Yet here I am.Hmph.

2)My legs are still sore from my hike 2 days ago.I usually don't get too tired hiking.I walk a lot to begin with so I've eased into it quite nicely.Wednesday though I was totally blown up at about 1/2 mile in.We did decide to not take the trail for the first half of the way up, which did make the first mile or so(not a reliable figure.Based upon no actual measurements.Not even the weird medieval ones based on the lengths of vegetables or body parts.)a steep, relentless hill that we even had to crawl up on all fours in a few parts.It was worth it though for the view alone.We were high enough up that the hawks that fly around there were only 10 feet or so above our heads and not really concerned that we were around.And the waterfalls are always a treat,even if this year they are quite a bit smaller this year.

3)Grabbed a few DC comics again today,just for shits and giggles.Wonder Woman Annual was fun enough and easy to jump into,but brought up one point that bothers me a little about DC.I find it really weird to have so many direct variations of the same characters interacting with each other.It almost seems as if rather than creating a new character,they'd rather just palette swap Superman to yellow and pass him off as a different character.Superman Yellow.

4)Speaking of Superman, I also picked up All-Star Superman 7 and 8.I mostly got it to check out the Bizarro storyline.(Bizarro.Basically just a mirror image of Superman,right down to his clothes.See what I mean?So many direct variations of just a few characters.)Bizarro speak can get really hard to read.This was a chore to read the first time around.I had to go back and re-read it to understand what was going on.The second gothrough went much better.And this book did offer an explanation for why the Bizarros,at least that version of them(him?), look how they do.I still prefer the Action Comics Bizarro story better,but I might still grab some other issues of this.I have a feeling I'd like it a hell of a lot more if I wasn't putting all of my reading energy into translating half of the dialogue.

5)Between this and trying to do 1000 other things at the same time my piano practice has been getting pushed to the side more than it should be.I sat down today for the first time in about 3 or 4 days to practice and sounded like total shit.I was fumbling over even the easy shit.I need to get back on track there.

6)I still don't know what kind of snake I stumbled onto at the Ice Cave.The sites I've looked at so far about snakes in New Jersey suck.They have no good pictures.This is the picture I took of the snake,not knowing it was there.I just stuck my camera in the dark cave and snapped a pic.:

7)Another highly recommended band for anyone interested in Death metal:Decapitated .The path they're taking kinda reminds me of early Sepultura,except I don't think they're ever going to tribal.I do prefer Covan to Sauron on vocals.Sauron's growl served its purpose,but Covan's more comprehensible vocals and range are helping to give them their own sound.That's not to imply that they sucked before.Anything but.I'm just saying I like the new guy better.

8)I'm tapped for ideas.Later.

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