Sunday, September 23, 2007

On Having Too Much Free Time

I'm not going to link the post because I don't wish to bring the whole,ugly argument here,but someone who was linked on When Fangirls Attack actually spent her valuable free time to watch the whole season of Heroes just to catalogue all of the conversations to prove that the show is sexist.The amount of work and effort put into this was impressive.

Now,I'm not trying to discredit the purpose of the statistical analysis.This is the internet.Take your little piece of it and do whatever you want.I'm more dismayed at the fact that this was done at all..This is no different than those people who sit and watch network TV all day, waiting for some one to say "boob",so they can write to that show's sponsors and proclaim a boycott.It's not a step above or below.It's the SAME THING.Accept it.You've become a busybody.

Can't things just be fun?Does everything need to be broken apart to find problems with?Reading comics blogs, you see a lot of people finding fault with things.For most of them,whether you agree with them or not,if the problem is not blatant it isn't that hard to see where the person is coming from.Even if I think they're reading a little too deeply into things,I can follow the logic.Besides,some people are just a bit more fine-tuned to see those kinds of things.But if you have to break an entire TV series down into statistics just to find a problem then you are going out of your way to look for them.I'm not saying you can't not like the show.I don't even care about the point you're trying to make.But you REALLY spent the time to do this study of the conversations?Really?For what?To write in your blog for all of 30 people to read?Even if 100 people read it,or 300,was it worth your time? How long did that take?What other activities did you push aside to do what,I have to admit, is a very thorough statistical analysis?

People nowadays don't seem to have the time for anything.So much of our lives and the things in them have been designed to take advantage of that one-button,ten-second, intstant gratification mentality.When something doesn't come our way ten seconds ago, we get uncomfortable with the wait.But there's ALWAYS time to complain.Vote?Don't have the time.Write an angry letter/e-mail to some TV producers because you saw part of an aureola on Two and 1/2 Men?I'm sooo there.(sigh)

People fucking disgust me....Dammit.Now I'm complaining too.AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!See what I mean???!!!

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