Thursday, September 27, 2007

Abandoned Housing Development

When I moved to the house I live in now in 2004,I always noticed that in the woods appeared to be a few houses.I could never tell if people lived there.Last year, I finally walked over there and found about 15 or so houses,totally abandoned.I peeked in a few windows and left it to be explored another day.

Today(or yesterday.It's 1:30 AM now) my friend Darrell came over so we could go hiking,but we decided to head over to Spookytown first.It turns out the place is even bigger than I had thought.Apparently it was a whole housing development,with a gazebo and a pool.And there are also about 30 houses, and not 15.And, as I said I would, here are some pictures.

First,there was a lot of graffiti.

Someone decided to go the creepy, insane route:

Look!I just took a picture of the last few words.Spooookkkkkyyyy!!!!!

The houses were all grown over with trees and plants.Most of them had a lot of damage to them.

We also found a few things,harmless in themselves, but kinda creepy in an abandoned neighborhood.

We managed to get into the basement of one of the buildings and got a few neat shots.

This was in the basement.It's just a work bench that got a bunch of shit dumped on it,but I think an animal lives in there.Just looks like a place an animal would go.

Let's not forget the open septic tank I almost fell into.It would have been about an eight foot drop before I landed in this.

The coolest thing was finding the pool.There was a frog or two living in it.

There were a couple of concrete tracks out by the pool as well.

Not to mention the lonely gazebo,or what's left of it.

Since most of the houses were boarded up or had floors that were so badly rotted/damaged most of the other shots involved us just sticking our cameras ina doorway or window and snapping a pic.Some interesting looking damage,but not nearly as cool as getting in the houses.

I took more pictures,but they're just more of the same.This was a fun little visit.We looked for some mail in the one house we could freely walk around in so we could get some sort of idea as to how old the place was.We only found some store circulars and an envelope postmarked 2000.I can't believe that kind of damage can happen in only seven years.The houses were pretty small too.In the town I live in all of the new housing,especially in a community like this one was, is of the McMansion variety.I think I'd rather have Spookytown.


Unknown said...

Very cool photos! This is in NJ? We don't have anything as abandoned as that out in Seattle, but I keep trying. I got some pics of a few abandoned places near where I live and it's fun trying to research who lived there, when, etc.

Excellent photos, you really captured the eerie feeling!!

GeneralBobby said...

Yes,it is in NJ.It's actually in the woods behind my house.I can't find any information on the place though.I'll go there again in the future even though I think I've seen everything there is to see.

Gabe said...

hey there -
I'm a producer for the History Channel doing a series called Life After People, and i'm looking for abandoned houses to shoot to illustrate the decay process. your pics look interesting. Could you email me? I'd love to know more about this site. thanks,

paige said...

that is quite the adventure. read the book paper towns by john green! it's about abandoned housing developments.