Monday, October 22, 2007

Dear Brian M. Bendis

Dear Brian Michael Bendis,

When I started getting back into comics a few years ago I asked around as to what books I should try.Your name came up as a writer that I couldn't go wrong with.I tried some of your books and damnit if I wasn't hooked right back in.

Since then I've seen your name dragged through the mud a little bit.He's too decompressed.He reads poorly in a monthly format.Nothing happens in his books.They're all talk.He doesn't know continuity.He writes people out of character.I was easily able to dismiss all of these comments as mere opinions.After all,you can't please them all.At least you were pleasing me.I would have even come to your defense if there was a need(plenty of other people to do that) or I was asked.

A couple of weeks ago,New Avengers #35 was released and,well, you know what scene was in it.I will say got people talking.Only they weren't talking about what a badass the Hood was,but rather about what a bad asshole you were.

I know what you were going for with this issue.I even wrote an entry in my humble little blog about it.I may not have liked seeing the beating of Tigra being so one-sided but, as it relates to the story, I knew why you did it.I was reasonably understanding.Other people...not so much.

The thing is, I understand why they are mad.I see exactly where they are coming from.This time though, I can't defend you.I don't even think a lot of your usual defenders are going to touch this one.You took a visually disturbing,realistic beatdown and put it in a comic book.It involved a female character taking the beating while falling out of her clothes and squealing for help.You're a smart man.Your writing shows you have a brain.You just HAD to know that there would be fallout.Your readers are not children who can just see the story for what it is.Your readers are mostly ADULTS,who have a habit of reading into things and pulling out the hidden context.And, oh boy, does the scene I described a few sentences back just SCREAM with hidden context.

I don't think you're completely sunk yet.I know that the Hood will eventually get his come-uppance.That's what comic book villains do.They make life for the heroes really interesting for a little while and then they lose.When that time comes,allow Tigra a revenge beating.It may not be in the larger plan,but perhaps you can fit it in.Maybe you don't like her character much.Shit,I don't like her character.Still,she deserves her revenge.She was embarrassed in front of a room full of supervillains and had her family threatened.Give her the final blow.Give her the final fight even.Controversies like this add up and sometimes it can be a good thing to acknowledge one and fix it.Show your critics that you aren't petty enough to take out a character you hate out of spite.Make things right.It's not too late.

Still a fan(but watching you closely),

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