Wednesday, September 19, 2007


In my travels through the internet,I stumbled upon this article on things really struck me about this article.First is the article itself,which I will summarize for anyone who doesn't actually want to read it.
1)Woman in her 20s gets a rose-shaped tattoo on her lower back.She got this in the age before the "tramp stamp" style of tattoo.It is meant to be a private thing for her and a potential loved one.
2)Woman goes on with her life:gets married,has a kid,etc.
3)Low-rise jeans come into style.Woman hops all over the fad,because that's always a good idea.(If you're reading any sarcasm into that,you should.I'm laying it on really heavy.)
4)One day,while wearing her low-rise jeans, her tattoo is exposed in front of her young son,who asks what it is.
5)The horrified woman decides that having a tattoo somehow makes her a bad parent and makes a choice.She could just tell her son what a tattoo is.She could just not wear low rise jeans,as they could go out of style next month.Instead she decides to get the tattoo removed.The procedure:
a)Will cost her over $2000
b)Will be 10x more painful than any tattoo could ever hope to be.
c)Will leave her with permanent scarring.
The article itself doesn't offend me.If this woman would rather undergo a painful,expensive procedure rather than buy a new pair of pants or talk to her child that's her choice.What pissed me off was the second thing to strike me about this article:the comments made by readers afterwards.
Thanks to those comments,I have discoverd that I,along with millions of other people who have tattoos:
1)Don't have personalities.We get tattoos to compensate.
2)Are just chasing a fad.Because tattoos are a fad.(One person with this view talks of "shotty"artwork.)
3)Are immature.Not just immature,but immature IDIOTS.
4)Are just rebelling.
5)Have an appreciation for lousy art.
6)Are doing something contrary to the (groan)Bible.(I'm an athiest.I have no interest in your silly superstitions.Practice your religion all you want,just leave me out of it.)

Now there was someone to defend tattooing for every person who decried it,but that's not the point.We have enough problems with discrimination against women,minorities, and gays.Why do we need to divide people up even further just to have more people to deny opportunity to?Now having tattoos makes me less of a person?Fuck you.Fuck each and every one of you,in the ass, with a dry sandpaper dildo.It's so dismaying to see ignorance on parade like it was here.That's why I can never be an activist for anything.I'd go insane.Maybe someone will take up the cause for tattooed people even though it's not as sexy as getting behind one of the big "-isms".

For the record,I have 16 tattoos.I can't wait to get my next 16.I am a college graduate.I have a steady job that I like and that I also got with arms covered in tattoos,as well as with a 6" goatee and long hair down to the middle of my back.I pay my taxes.I give to charity.I'm in a healthy relationship that will certainly lead to marriage,and maybe even kids.I'll be the first to admit that I might not be a model citizen,but I'm also not a degenerate.I do swear a lot though.And I avoid contact with other people.Maybe I am a little deviant,but it's not my skin that makes me so.

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