Friday, September 7, 2007

Monkey See...

I have a lot of free time at work.Usually,I just surf the internet and read about comics.I noticed a lot of people making top ten lists of their favorite characters.So I'm going to be a good lemming and make my own.I haven't read enough DC to do a top ten for them,so here's my Marvel top ten.

10.Machine Man:I never gave him a second thought as a kid.The character seemed uninspired and boring.But how can anyone not love the smug,condescending,fleshy-hating, alcoholic robot he became in Nextwave and Ms. Marvel?I wouldn't want a whole comic with just him,but give him someone to work off of and he's a goldmine.

9.Ms. Marvel:This is another character who didn't even get a glance when I was a kid.I think Ms. Marvel is one of the more believable characters in the Marvel Universe.She's flawed and a bit of an asshole,but still manages to be likeable.She doesn't take any shit and is always willing to put herself in danger for the greater good.I find I genuinely want her to overcome her personal issues and have a better life.

8.The Hulk:I love powerhouse characters and the Hulk is the best of them.He can be written as a mindless bezerker.He can be written as intelligent.He can create total destruction anywhere he goes which can lead to some very fun stories.I prefer him when he's against the world.Gladiator Hulk didn't click with me.I've been loving WWH because it's just pure mindless violent fun.

7.Wolverine:Wolverine just works everywhere.He can do action.He can do dark comedy.He can do a mindfuck-type of story.He can even do romance.And I like a hero who's not afraid to shed a little(or a lot) of blood.There's a reason Wolverine is everywhere nowadays.He's cool.

6.Black Panther:I like the whole idea that Wakanda is the one country in Africa that hasn't been left devastated by European colonization and has thus been allowed to flourish.Black Panther is a wild card in any situation.Not having powers doesn't hold him back from taking on any and all opponents.His marriage to Storm just puts another awesome,powerful charcater in his book.If only they'd let her do more.

5.GLA/GLI/GLX:I could just pick one representative from the GLI,but this is my list and I want the whole damn team here.I grab every appearance of the GLI I can find.Misassembled had me laughing from cover to cover.They're losers and they know it.I would love an ongoing series from them,but the yearly one-shots scratch the right itch.

4.Captain America:Technically,he's the reason I got back into comics.When I saw how much ass he kicked in Civil War and his own comic in the Winter Soldier arc I knew I just had to keep reading.He's an inspiring character in that he always does what's right and isn't afraid to go against the system to do what's right.That said,I hope his death is permanent or at least long -lasting.Bringing him back too soon would lessen it's impact.He can still be part of out-of-continuity stories for my Captain America fix.

3.She-Hulk:Shulkie has a little of everything that I tend to like in comic book characters.She's a powerhouse.She's versitile in the types of stories you can put her in.She has a sense of humor.I even like her alter ego,Jen Walters.She's more three-dimensional than her cousin,which is why I like her better.Her sense of humor and the contrast between her two personalities is why she's so high on my list.

2.Spider-Man:I lived,ate, and breathed Spidey when I was younger.If there was no Spider-Man I never would have picked up a comic ever.The only thing I like better than a powerhouse is a character with a sense of humor.He's a character with a real life.He's the nerd with the beautiful wife.I prefer wise-cracking Spider-Man over grief-stricken Spider-Man.I don't get worked up that his book now is so grim.There's plenty of stories to read with the Spidey I love.

1.Deadpool:I knew Deadpool was special when I read him for the first time during his book's Civil War tie-ins.He's my favorite for the same reason Homer is my favorite character on The Simpsons:He's infinetely entertaining.No one,not even Spider-man,has more hilarious quoteable lines.(Note to self:Do one post of best Deadpool quotes.)The whole breaking-the-fourth-wall thing is a much-appreciated bit of parody.Deadpool is also an incredible fighter and is even giddy at the thought of getting some blood on his hands.He adds a whole new level of fun when my girlfriend makes me watch The Golden Girls.And I'll never look at Duct Tape the same way.He's great on his own and even better with a partner playing the straight man.I'm trying to piece together the whole run of his first series.I already cleared out Midtown comics.Please Marvel do not let him fade into obscurity.He's already great,but still has SO much potential.

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