Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Dying Breed

I'm a rare person,not special but rare.I'm one of those people...who doesn't have a cell phone.That's right.The world of minutes and text messaging and 300 page iPhone bills is totally alien to me.There's no one in my fave five.The only chocolate I love goes in my belly.

To a lot of people, not having a cell phone is like not eating.They are there and available at any time someone needs them.They can gab with their friends whenever the mood strikes them.They're easier to reach in case of emergencies.Cell phones take pictures and videos now.They have mp3 players built in.They're address books.They play games.They do e-mail and surf the internet.They're wonder gadgets.Why on earth would someone NOT want one?

Privacy.That's my answer.I value privacy over being available.I don't want to use the phone when I'm home.Why would I want to use it at the supermarket or the mall?Why would I want to use it in my car?It's all about instant gratification, usually someone else's instant gratification.You mean to tell me you can't wait until tonight to talk to me?I'm honored you're thinking of me.Wait anyway.It won't kill you.Really.

I know it can be conveient.If I ever break down driving to a show in East Dumbfuck,PA I could get in touch with help without leaving my car alone on the highway.If I'm lost I can call for directions.I think I can live with the potential danger of hypothetical situations in exchange for the ability to drive in peace with the radio at a volume I like and not turned down so I can talk.
Also,why would I want to pay an extra bill for something I don't want?I know I tend to throw my money away at impractial things but not for this.I could cut my comic spending down to pay for it, but I actually like comics.In the battle of comics and telephone, comics win a one-sided ,decisive victory.

Finally, I think of cell phones as electronic tracking devices. I thought the same thing of pagers when they were in vogue.Stay off the man's radar and your hands will be unbound.It's bad enough that there are cameras everywhere nowadays.Our movement is tracked everywhere and we can't do a damn thing about it.I'm giving them one less way to find me.Some people don't want to be found.This may seem like some hysterical conspiracy theory:The government is tracking us through our cell phones!!But in this day and age, it is really that far out of the realm of possibility?You can log onto Google and see your house from a satellite for christ's sake.
Anyway,that's it.Privacy...it's worth it.

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