Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Busy Day Part III:100 Steps

(This is it, I promise.)

As I was wandering around Pyramid Mountain as studying the trail map, I noticed that on the other side of the road from the parking lot was a trail marked "100 Steps" that also had stone ruins along it.I remember reading about the trail on some hiking website whose name escapes me right now.
The reason the trail is called "100 Steps" is because, after winding around a short trial alongside some warehouses, the first hill is ascended by means of a lot of stone steps.I wasn't counting, so I'm not sure if there's exactly 100.My official guess is that is seemed like a lot.

This isn't the whole staircase.It disappears up into the woods and around the bend.Climbing those stairs was just what I needed to completely tire me out after a long day of hiking.Still, I wanted to see those ruins.
At the top of the 100 steps the trail ran alongide some power lines.Soon enough I was at the sight of the first ruin, a stone house built into the side of a small hill.

This one was out in the open and quite easy to find.The second ruin was a couple hundred feet into the woods.

The second , as you can see, was slightly less intact.All that was left was the chimney and the foundation.Still, I wonder who lived out here on the mountain.The houses weren't very big, so I doubt they were rich.I guess that's something for me to research.

I took one last moment to take in the view, which was pretty nice.I could see a reservoir from there.

I left on a different trail because there was a limestone quarry there.Of course, I forgot to take a picture.That means I took my tired, sore ass about an extra mile or so to get back to my car and go home.The trail back was no much to look at, but I imagine it would be quite pretty once the leaves come back.

All in all, it was a busy, worthwhile day.I left a few places unexplored so a second trip is sure to be upcoming.I must've walked at least 6 or 7 miles over the course of 5 hours, including time driving from the falls to Pyramid Mountain.I need to rest.

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