Monday, February 4, 2008

Busy Day Part I:Boonton Falls

On Saturday, I went over to Boonton and Montville to check out some of the sights.I had worked in those places probably about 150 times and never knew any of the things I found were even there.
My first stop was Boonton Falls, which is located behind Main St.There weren't many places to walk, but the scenery was nice.Waterfalls are always interesting to see.There are actually two here, but the first just goes over a dam.I'm not sure that counts.

Those aren't the real falls.This is the real falls.

If you stick to the small trail, you can't get too close to the falls.You have to cross the Rockaway River and follow the edge of it and you can get right up close to it.I took this pic from about 3 feet away.

There are a few other things to see.At the end of the trail there is a stone circle and some train tracks.The circle, after doing some research, was part of the railroad system.

I crossed the river at these tracks, which provide you with a nice enough view to make you forget that you are just 100 feet from a busy main street.

There wasn't much else to see.There were these four tunnels, none of which went deeper than 20 feet.

And finally, there was this huge rock, which you can climb to the top of with a little effort.

And that is Boonton Falls.It's not much of a hike, but would be a nice place to go for a picnic.The one thing I didn't take a picture of was some trash floating at the base of the falls.Booooo people.Shame on you for polluting this place with your crap.


Anonymous said...

That's not fair, you have good places to hike in NJ. In FL, we have swamps. And, poisonous snakes. And, poisonous spiders. And, yellow jackets that bite AND sting me. (I almost died the last time I went to the park with my friends, because everywhere we went a yellow jacket would land on me and bite and/or sting me.)

GeneralBobby said...

That day came in 3 parts.I'm going to post the other 2 when I get a chance(maybe tommorrow morning)There are a lot of places to hike, mostly in NW Jersey.

We do have swamps here(to be seen in part II), though I doubt that they are Florida-sized.We also have poisonous snakes(cottonmouths),coyotes(not poisonous), and bears(also not poisonous).

Anonymous said...

In FL, our bears and coyotes are probably also poisonous, thanks to eating all of the other poisonous animals around. Plus we have lots of random gators and panthers. And, we have a number of poisonous types of snakes, including cottonmouths, various rattle snakes, coral snakes, and strange bright green/blue snakes that I don't know what they are. You can see a number of these creatures in the typical suburban backyard or apartment complex, even the gators.

GeneralBobby said...

Sounds like a hotbed of wildlife.I have yet to see a coyote, but have seen a black bear.Bears here tend to wander into backyards even in more populated areas since all of the woods are being cut down to build housing developments(ugly ass McMansions).I do find snakes here and there, such as the 4' black rat snake I found last fall, but never anything poisonous.It seems you really have to go out of your way to find the dangerous animals.Unless you count people as dangerous animals, in which case they're everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Hey i have a question, i went here yesterday! btw it was beautiful but my question was about those 4 tunnels, do you know what they were used for? my friend and i were trying to figure it out!!

GeneralBobby said...

Sorry for taking a while to post and respond. This blog is pretty much dead.

I have no idea what they were for. There was some sort of train station there at one point. Perhaps they were used for that?

I'm just a guy who takes pictures when he goes outside.