Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm A Bad Comic Book Fan

I spend a lot of my time on the internet reading about comics.I think I'm a horrible fan though,because I don't engage in a lot of what appears to be perfectly normal comic fan-like behavior.

1)I have never dropped anything from my pull list.

2)I've never blamed an artist/writer for failing to entertain me.

3)If I buy a book, don't like it, and keep buying it then I admit to just collecting it.

4)My childhood remains blissfully unraped.

5)I love changes to the status quo.It can be exciting.

6)I don't talk down to or insult people who read different things than I read.

7)I understand when the movie is different than the book and judge it on its own merits.

8)I don't nitpick at continuity errors.

9)I like most of what I read.

10)I don't get all up in arms over a bad cover.

11)I liked Civil War, House Of M, and Avengers Disassembled.

12)I feel no sense of nostalgia for the comics of my youth.The writing and art are 1000000 times better today than they were back then.That's the main reason why I got back into comics.

13)I don't hold any character up to a standard that was set decades ago.Times change and people change with them.

14)I've never made a "Michael Turner can't draw feet." comment.

15)I don't buy comics just to make fun of them or to hate on them.I buy them for my reading enjoyment.

16)Delays don't bother me at all.

17)Events don't bother me either.

18)I don't take the stories personally.

19)I can wait out the slower pace that decompression brings.


Wendy Withers said...

I don't know. My comic book friends and I all loved Civil War. In fact, I borrowed Civil War from my friend Greg and need to replace the last 3 installments. When I moved, they kind of bit the big one. :( I really need to get my hands on Zombies.

GeneralBobby said...

That makes you,your friends and me then.I don't see Civil War get any love on the internet.Maybe some people felt burnt by the ending.Some I guess hate it just because it's Marvel and heaven forbid they support a mainstream comic.There's also a contingent of people who are determined to hate any "event",regardless of content because of some imagined ailment called "event fatigue.".Sometimes,when reading around here,I feel like maybe my taste must be off.Then I think "Fuck these people.I liked it."and I feel better.

Wendy Withers said...

I think I liked it because I love all of the deep story lines comic book writers come up with that shake the very foundation of the heroes' world. I also liked the way the writers explored the morality of the government, like when they brought in the villains to help quell the hero uprising.

GeneralBobby said...

I don't mind it when writers bring the real world into my fantasy world.I am still able to keep the two separate in my mind.It doesn't kill the fantasy for me.These are superheroes we are talking about,regardless of whether they're fighting Dr. Doom,the government,or each other.