Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's Still Going On

A little over a month ago, some She-Hulk fan site linked to me as a bit of a goof.Since then, the post they linked to has gotten about 3/4 of the total hits of any post here.Also, the number one search term people use to find me is "She Hulk Boobs".

I am the #1 Google entry for "She Hulk Boobs."

That is so funny.

Speaking of She-Hulk, I bought the first five issues of John Byrne's run from Midtown Comics.They aren't collected anywhere that I know of and I was interested because I had heard that the book was pretty funny.They were right.The book was funny and the fourth wall stuff was pretty clever.I think I was expecting a Deadpool-esque tactic of addressing the reader and talking about caption boxes.Instead, she not only spoke to the reader, but to Mr. Byrne as well.She also tore through individual pages and walked across ads as part of the story.

The other thing I liked was the idea to use D-list villains.I had never seen Dr. Bong before.My life is much richer now.

As for Peter David's new run?I'm OK with it.I think some ideas, such as having the Absorbing Man accidentally absorb the properties of Legoes, was funny as hell.I do miss the law firm though.The first two Dan Slott She-Hulk trades are all kinds of awesome.I'd easily put at least vol 1( Single Green Female ) in my top 10 favorites.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever read the Nocturnals? I met the artist at FX, and he was awesome. Unfortunately, he was the only artist I got the chance to talk to.

I was going to post an awesome comment on your last post, but I had internet issues, and now I can't remember what it was.

GeneralBobby said...

Never have read it, but I'm going to my LCS tommorrow and am always looking for new trades, so maybe I'll pick it up(if they have it).I'm also 8 volumes deep into Strangers in Paradise now and am impatient to read the next couple.I guess it all depends on my financial situation.

You always comment here.One forgotten one is OK.But next time...Hmmmmmmmmm.