Monday, November 12, 2007

Pointless Cat Photo/Nothing Better To Do

Once more, I'm stuck as to what to write, so here's a cute picture just for the sake of making a blog post.The one on the left is the oldest cat, a male.We don't really name our pets because the names never stick.They always end up as "Hey you" or "Kitty."The one on the right is the kitten, who gets bigger every day.This picture makes it look like she is making him smell her farts and he's covering up in self-defense. Or they could be sleeping.Whatever works for you.

The back of our couch is the most desired cat sleeping spot in the house.It never lacks at least one cat.They're all there as I type this.See?
OK.That's enough cat for one day.


Wendy Withers said...

Gah. That's not fair. My cats never get that close together. When I sleep, they usually sleep on opposite sides of me, if Kitty (the old cat) decides not to trample me in order to hit Sirius Black (the baby).

My prime sleeping real estate is my bed, where both of the cats congregate while I'm in it. Kitty rules it while I'm doing other things.

GeneralBobby said...

It always seems that no matter how much they battle, all is forgiven when it's time to sleep.The two older ones especially like to get all cuddly with each other.